Percarlo 2011 San Giusto a Rentennano
トスカーナ州の赤 > San Giusto a Rentennano
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ペルカルロ 2011 サン・ジュスト・ア・レンテンナーノ
The 2011 Percarlo is one of the most beautiful, expressive young Percarlos I have ever tasted. Fine, silky and exceptionally polished, the 2011 boast stunning textural depth and richness. Absolutely nothing is out of place in this super-sexy, racy, Percarlo. Once again San Giusto has elevated Sangiovese to a lofty, rarified level. Readers who can find the 2011 Percarlo should not hesitate. It is a real stunner. (9/2014)
The stunning 2011 Percarlo (Sangiovese) has been in bottle for one and a half years. Some 30% of the fruit this year was discarded because summer heat burned many of the berries. Great work was done at the sorting table to make sure that only the best berries were selected for this wine. That hard work has paid off because this is a profound expression of Sangiovese with sweet and soft contours of cherry and blackberry. The wine shows enormous complexity of character and a perfect sense of balance between its masculine and feminine side. (10/2015)
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